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Delhi Dweller

The Illuminated Qutub Minar Is A Sight To Behold That You Must Capture Behind The Lens

If there’s one thing that makes a monument stand out, it’s the architecture but what adds that unique touch of magic to these heritage structures which makes them markedly and beautifully visible on the city’s skyline is definitely the lighting effect. One such monument that will steal your breath away with how glorious it looks when all lit up in luminescent light is Delhi’s pride Qutub Minar. Standing tall since ages, this monument is a sight to behold for someone who wishes to capture that perfect snap!

Snapping Memories | Sitting quietly in Mehrauli, Qutub Minar is one structure that you just can’t afford to miss when you’re in the city. It weaves a longstanding tale of several dynasties that flourished and fell under its watchful eyes. But the thing that has remained unchanged over the centuries is definitely the glory with which it stands tall in South Delhi. By day, this majestic building attracts people of all ages who come over to admire this masterpiece of craftsmanship.

But at night, this architectural excellence pulls in shutterbugs who wish to capture each and every carving illuminated by the radiance of the light against the backdrop of the night sky in snapshots. 

So if you’re someone who likes to tell a story by way of capturing that perfect image you must make your way over to this long-standing structure at night!

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Delhi Dweller

Looking beyond nooks and crannies & lurking behind every alley, I'm a true Dilli...

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