City Life
Vijay Nagar
Any suggestions for 2021. ? What would it be like?

Jaskirat Singh Jaggi Follow
5 years ago
Jaskirat Singh Jaggi 5 years ago
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6 Answers

navneet yadav
5 years ago

do not postponed any plans

Priyangi Singh
5 years ago
After what is happening in 2020 I think 2021 will be great with new opportunities and people will start taking care of every small and big things, will start looking forward to live and making their dream come true. Human will start respect the nature.

Mihika Mathur
5 years ago
To be thankful for all that you have and safety is priority 🤞

Ayushi Ojashwi
5 years ago
Do not postpone any plans!

Tanisha Goel
5 years ago
2021 !! It would very different and unique. This stage of life we are in is the new form to live and we would have to adapt that. Going back to normal life is very tough and people would fear a lot.

Sameer Shareef
5 years ago
A lot different, regular jobs would be affected, reduction in number of big gatherings, education would be affected.