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Delhi Dweller

This 15th Century Mosque In Mehrauli Is A Magnificent Remnant Of The Lodhi Era

Madhi Masjid is a magnificent monument that is prominently located and easy to find, which is why it’s surprising to hear that very few people know about it. Perhaps the reason is that most people do not even realize what it is when they pass by the place as there is no notice board with any name or details given of the monument. 

The structure is believed to be from the 15th century, which places it in the Lodi Era. Probably even the authorities are not sure about the exact history of this monument and that is why it lacks any clear documentation. However from what we can tell is that it’s located beside the Mehrauli Archaeological Park but not exactly within the boundaries of the park. There’s a security guard positioned inside but he will not stop you or anyone to enter the premises, moreover there is no entry fee.

A Fortified Mosque

While it is supposed to be a mosque, it’s a formidable structure built like a fort. It is no longer a functioning mosque and so it mostly remains deserted. Domes are visible from a distance but as you reach them, you are greeted by an imposing structure in front that is not merely a gate but may as well double up as a watchtower. From the back, it looks like a fortified edifice designed to imprison someone *Woah*. There are no open spaces around the structure as most of the adjacent areas are now thickly populated.

Inside The Premises

Picture Credits: Shreyans Jain

As you climb up the stairs and enter through the gateway, you will discover a surprisingly spacious open compound. Even though the details are painfully lacking, it can be assumed that there was a wall mosque and also a normal mosque inside it. It was intricately decorated at one point in time, as suggested by the now-worn but still visible bluish-tinged tiles on the walls and the dome. There are stairs that go down to the inner chambers but they are practically closed nowadays. If you look closely, you will find interesting Indo-Saracenic sculptures adorning the walls and pillars in the entire compound.

Finding Madhi Masjid

It’s not difficult to find Madhi Masjid; the only factor that can confuse you is the lack of a nameplate at the entrance. Nevertheless, the easiest way to reach it is from the Qutub Minar Metro Station. You just have to cross the Aurobindo Road in front of the station and locate the narrow diversion called Devi Puriji Ashram Road and you should see a board directing you towards the Dada Badi Jain Mandir. You need to take this road but you will reach the Masjid much before the Jain Mandir. 

If you’re genuinely interested in medieval architecture but are tired of visiting the same landmarks all the time, Madhi Masjid will be a refreshing change for you! 

Where | Madhi Masjid -  Devi Puriji Ashram Road, Near Dada Badi Jain Mandir, Mehrauli

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Delhi Dweller

Looking beyond nooks and crannies & lurking behind every alley, I'm a true Dilli...

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