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Apply Now To Become A Part Of The So Delhi Intern Army This Summer

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In professional life, experience does make a lot of difference and with most of you stuck at home, gaining this experience for the sake of your CV has become all the more important. So, dear Delhiites, we’re here with some brilliant piece of news that will surely make your mundane summer, productive AF!

Spilling The Deets, Right Here | The much-awaited So Delhi Summer Internship Program is here and there are openings for talented peeps like you *say whaa*. This (unpaid) ‘work from home’ summer internship will be for a duration of 60 to 90 days, depending upon your availability. You will be expected to work 5 days a week (after all, who doesn’t love a free weekend) and devote 4 hours a day. Can this get any better? Well, it does, ‘cause if you’re a graduate looking for a full-time position, this is the preferred route to find yourself a permanent place with the So Family *eeepp*!

There are openings in the Editorial (Content Writing + Editing), Sales & Marketing, Social Media, Technology/Engineering, Video and Graphic Design Departments. The internship commences in July, so make sure you fill-up the form given below, RIGHT NOW.

Come on, be a part of the fam and if you know someone who needs to intern, tag ‘em in the comments section as well!

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