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Join The Roar-Some Mission: Let’s Save Tigers And Keep These Striped Kings Thriving!

Tigers are recognised as the national animal of India owing to their strength, agility and enormous power. These majestic predators have over 100 stripes but no two tiger stripes are similar and their dangerous beauty makes them an integral part of the ecosystem. However, these species have become endangered, especially the Royal Bengal Tiger. In recent years, their population has been declining alarmingly, and it’s high time we do something to save these majestic subspecies. 

Save The Tiger 

Picture Credits: roaringtiger

The Royal Bengal Tiger has seen a constant decline in its population in the last few years and some of the major reasons behind this decrease are the loss of habitat, global warming, poaching and man-animal conflicts. Rapid urbanisation coupled with the fragmentation of tiger corridors have contributed to this loss of habitat and thereby exposes the tiger movement, not only making them vulnerable but also threatening their movement. 

Global warming has affected the tide movements, reducing the forest areas which is also another factor behind the loss. Moreover, the species are often lost to mindless poaching by hunters which have contributed to these worrying numbers. The Save The Tiger initiative aims to spread awareness among the masses regarding the importance of saving these endangered species. 

What We Can Do?

Picture Credits: roaringtiger

Even though International Tiger Day is celebrated on the 29th of July, it’s important that there’s a collective effort in spreading awareness about the need to save these apex predators who are standing on the fine line of being extinct. And for this several ways have been suggested by the wildlife photographer, Varun Khullar. One immediate action could be the relocation of the villages around the forest core areas to avoid man-animal conflict, which is often born out of the territorial nature of these wild cats and the human fear of these animals.

Alternatively, natural corridors for these animals should be secured so that they can move freely in search of food and water (without getting poached), thereby reducing territorial fights. The majestic, endangered species are one of the most beautiful gifts of nature that need to be preserved and they have as much right to a better life just like us. 

It’s time we do something to save the pride of our nation, The Royal Bengal Tiger. 

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