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Sanchaita Mazumder

7 Simple Ways On How To Keep Sane And Positive During These Challenging Times

“Tough times don't last. Tough people do.” These are challenging times and with so much going on around the days are long and mentally exhausting, & then there are sleepless nights. Every news you get is related to the spread of COVID-19 and nothing else. But, it is crucial to remain positive and maintain your sanity during these times, and we’re here to help you stay positive with this list. So read on.

1. Pick Up A Hobby To Keep Yourself Busy

Picture Credits: hooplaback.girl

“An idle mind knows not, what it is that it wants.” When you sit idle, you are constantly worrying about everything that is happening around you, but there’s hardly anything that you have control over. So, pick up a hobby, be it crocheting, embroidery art or cooking, that’ll keep you occupied throughout the day!

2. Spend Some Time In Your Balcony/Terrace

Picture Credits: incredible_prodigy/

There’s nothing that a few moments in the lap of nature can’t heal. Make sure you spend some time in your balcony or terrace to get some fresh air, to feel the therapeutic sunshine on your skin and for the sweet chirping of birds. Also, put a few planters around that space for an extra dose of beauty! 

3. If You're Facing Any Challenges, Talk To Someone Who Would Listen

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Call up your counsellor or just share what you’re feeling with your bestie, it may or may not solve your problems, but it will definitely help to relieve your anxiety. Because, hey, haven’t you heard that saying, “communication works for those who work at it”?

4. Check Up On Friends And Family

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Believe us when we say that you’re one of those lucky ones if you’re self-quarantined with your family. But, even if you’re not, check up on your loved ones regularly during this period, because everyone around you is anxious about what’s happening, and we all could do with a bit of love and care!

5. Make Sure You Take In News From Reliable Sources

This Is A Representative Image

This one goes without saying! With so many news brimming, it’s important to make sure that you take in news and information only from reliable sources. One way to stay sane is to limit your news intake, chuck out the news from the unreliable sources and focus on the positive ones more!

6. Watch Happy Videos/ Movies

Picture Credits: dollysingh

There are plenty of influencers, like Kusha Kapila, Shayan Roy and Dolly Singh who will tickle your funny bones with their hilarious videos! Give ‘em a follow and see for yourself what we’re talking about. Also, you can binge watch comedy movies that’ll leave you in splits like Phir Hera Pheri, Welcome, The Hangover, Ted and more. Apart from these pick up some feel-good movies like The Pursuit Of Happyness, Shawshank Redemption and more.

7. Don’t Give In To Negative Thoughts

Picture Credits: positivelypresent

Your surroundings and your mind is filled with all sorts of negativity right now, but things will get better! It may take some time, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel and more to life than this. So, sit back and calm down, this may seem like the end of the world, but it’s not!

We hope these 7 tips will help you stay sane during these challenging times, so chin up now, shoo away those negative thoughts and smile!

Published By:

Sanchaita Mazumder

Just a potato girl in a cauliflower world.

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