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Karuna Abhinandini

5 Annoying Questions Pretty Much Every Gurgaon Wala Has Heard Atleast Once

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NCR and Gurgaon share a sibling relationship, with all its tropes – rivalries, comparisons, the tussle for being the best, so on and so forth. Though we, Gurgaon walas, would all agree that it’s never initiated from our end (much like every sibling). But we sure are tired of answering the same questions over and over again. Let’s go through this list of the MOST annoying questions we are asked time and again that we can’t help but roll our eyes at! 

1. "Isn’t It Gurugram Now?"

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Dude, you couldn’t add a ‘New’ to your ‘Delhi’, but want us to change the whole name? Oh, please. People using ‘Bombay’ for Mumbai is cool and all ‘feels’, but we can’t even continue to say Gurgaon in peace. 2020 is not the year for this kind of negativity. Let's answer it once and for all, IT’LL STAY GURGAON NO MATTER WHAT!

2. "How Do You Even Travel Everyday Yaaa...?!"

Picture Credits: rivc_taro

Hm, says the person who gets stuck in Delhi traffic and spends hours on the road. Well hello, sir. Allow us to update you, we’ve got metros now. In fact, Gurgaon also has its own Rapid Metro. So while your concern is cute (not), we travel comfortably in air-conditioned coaches and almost always get seats as well. Also, have you ever even checked out Huda Metro Station? It’s more or less a whole mall in itself!   

3. "You’ll Sort The Daru (Booze) For The Party, Right?"

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Arre, bhai? For every other thing you won’t stop mocking us, but when it comes to alcohol, suddenly we’re BFFs? Hypocrisy ki bhi seema hoti hai (height of sheer hypocrisy!). To be honest, we’d gladly be the bigger person and help you out, but we also are rather rule-abiding citizens so… maybe not this time?!

4. "No Sarojini? No Khan Market Or CP? You Must Really Feel Bad, No?"

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Ever been to Cyber Hub *laughs darkly*? Actually, ever been to Cyber Hub at night? It has fun and party vibes while also being romantic at the same time. Beat that! Sarojini isn’t the only option in the whole world y’know. We’ve got Export Bazaar, Arjun Marg, Banjara Market and Sadar. And to make you just a little more jealous, we can go for long drives to the Golf Course Road. Take that!

5. "Why Can’t YOU Come Over? Gurgaon Is SO FAR AWAY!"

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See, friendships, much like the roads between Gurgaon and Delhi/Noida/literally anywhere, are two-way. Why do you expect us to always come over but wouldn’t do the same in return? If, by chance, logic isn’t your best friend, let us help you out - if our place is far away for you, yours is for us too, 'cause the distance remains the same. Got it? Got it?! 

We feel lighter after this mini-rant and hope you do, too. So, share it with your Gurgaon friends for catharsis and with non-Gurgaon friends so that they know better than to ask these annoying questions!

Published By:

Karuna Abhinandini

I keep myself busy in all pursuits creative. My patronus is a cat. Will always o...

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