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Here's A List Of 5 Things We'd Strongly Recommend NOT To Do When In Rishikesh



Visit this, visit that, try this and try that. The list of to-dos in Rishikesh has already made your way an ample number of times but here are a bunch of things which you should definitely NOT do.

1. Alcohol Is A Big  No No

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The town is a dry place in terms of alcohol because Rishikesh is a religious place as according to the Hindu Mythology, it’s an important pilgrimage centre of India. Alcohol is not allowed to be consumed in public places and is not even served in any of the eateries or cafes so keep this in mind!

2. No Non-Vegetarian Food Allowed 

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Because of the same reasons as liquor, non-veg of any sort is not entertained in Rishikesh. Being a sacred centre and an abode of vegetarian sanyasis, Rishikesh only has a huge variety of traditional vegetarian dishes and therefore, no non-veg food is served in cafes and hotels as well. 

3. Don’t Carry Food On The Bridge

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For your own safety, don't carry any kind of food items on either the Lakshman Jhula or the Ram Jhula. These place are full of monkeys that tend to create quite a nuisance if they find food in your hands. Well, nobody likes the idea of their eatables being snatched away by anyone, be it humans or animals and so, don't carry any food with you if visiting these particular spots!

4. Avoid Buying Fake Gems

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Rishikesh is all about religion, pilgrimages, temples, sadhus amongst other things and then comes shopping. Buying gems requires an experienced eye otherwise you can end up with a fake one. Check the pricing, weight, design and if you still can’t identify the real deal, simply ask an expert. Don't be fooled by quacks and their expertise.

5. Beware Of Beggars Dressed As Sadhus

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An orange robed person comes to you and asks for something but you needn't give dakshina to each and every person dressed like that. We're talking about sadhu lookalikes because the real ones never beg. They worship the lord and live a saintly life. The beggars dress up as sadhus and go around begging for food and money. Don't fall prey to such tricks.

Avoid these traps and enjoy Rishikesh like you should!
