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What can I do to make by best friend’s birthday unique in this quarantine period?We live states away so want her to feel different! I want to express my love in an emotional & touching way. Suggest!

Shraddha Jain Follow
5 years ago
Shraddha Jain 5 years ago
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11 Answers

Sandeep Srivastava
5 years ago

Write a letter and send it to her with a friendship band. This will make your friendship even more awesome.

Praveen Tiwari
5 years ago
Get some celebrity to wish her, run Radio Ad Wishes. Check out the website Oye Happy.

Divanshi Kalra
5 years ago
You can make a video of her pictures with friends and family, compile a video of special ones wishing her a very happy birthday or plan a zoom party and arrange for a live music session on zoom itself.

Sakshi Chitkara
5 years ago
Also you can order cake online for her and if it's possible to deliver it at 12 at night then she will feel more special.

5 years ago
celebrate on zoom

Deepankshi Padhi
5 years ago
Make an instagram account dedicated to her solely. Pitch in as many friends and family members of her to send you pictures, videos or message for you best friend. Organise a zoom or a Google meet party with friends and play some games dedicated to her or about her.

5 years ago
Best is sent her cake, card, bouquet or celebrity birthday wish etc. at a very reasonable price from ferns and petals. They deliver fresh cake and have a variety of products and ways by which you can express your love and emotions. I myself have ordered from here for my friend and she loved it. They take proper precautions also. Plus present in every state and the best part deliver your present in the time slot which you have decided.

Anupriya Mishra
5 years ago
You can make a video message of your squad and play it for her on share screen on Zoom or Google Meet!

Yash Garg
5 years ago
You can make a video of both of your memories which u spend together

Abhishek Jindal
5 years ago
Sing a song for your friend