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Vijay Nagar
Suggest a most unique prank you ever tried??
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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I got a new number and started chatting with my bestfriend and we spoke to each other for few days basically I was doing a prank with him but he was serious coz he thought that there’s some other girl with whom he was flirting and finally when he asked to meet we decided a venue and the best part was when he came to meet at that place and he found me over there, he was mad at me and the look at his face was amazing
4 years ago
I have a habit of getting injured 😂 So once i sent pics to my family nd frnds that I've broken my teeth (front one) my sister literally started crying because it wasn't too shocking for them that I've hurt myself
4 years ago
I removed the cream from Oreo and instead put tomato sauce with salt in it and fed it to a friend. FYI No harms done!
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