City Life
Students from classes 6th onwards will be taught coding now. How many of you think it's a good move? Why/Why not?

Ansh Goel Follow
5 years ago
Ansh Goel 5 years ago
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10 Answers

Priyangi Singh
5 years ago

Its a very good move, because coding is associated with mental math and problem solving. Coding will help students to think creatively and will develop an ability to solve there problems.

Prachi Sharma
5 years ago
It is great as children will develop analytical and logical skills

Tanzeem Alam
5 years ago
It's an awesome initiative to train the mind from that level. It will help students in being more focused and more success rate's in future.

Ashlyn Sehgal
5 years ago
It’s a really good move. However the students really need to adapt to this change.

5 years ago
its good to learn at small age😊

Ayushi Ojashwi
5 years ago
Its a very good way as this will help indian students to have their place amongst the international coders too. I just hope they teach actual coding and help them gain better oroblem solving ability!!

Neomika Ganguly
5 years ago
It is a very good initiative taken by the Government. Technology plays an important role in everyone’s life. Including coding at an early age in the course of class 6, will help the students to achieve great mental development.

Jaskirat Singh Jaggi
5 years ago
Yes, it's good that they are learning so early.

Punit Tyagi
5 years ago
It's a good move, because current scenario is shifting from Normal work to technology driven work and who knows it may boost the innovations in the country in various fields and in upcoming years country will rule by the data for that you need many data handlers,data engineers and data analytics etc etc.

navneet yadav
5 years ago
its good to learn at small age