City Life
East Delhi
I want to adopt or buy a dog. Can you help which breed should I go for? ( Except German shepherd) and please mention the reason also.

Priyangi Singh Follow
5 years ago
Priyangi Singh 5 years ago
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17 Answers

Khushi Gandhi
5 years ago

If you want a dog, why be breed specific. Rescue any puppy from the street or adopt any dog that needs a home. All dogs are the same, all of them send out unconditional love and are cute. So adopt any breed that needs a home or rescue any indie puppy from the street. This way you would actually be providing home to someone in their need.

Punit Tyagi
5 years ago
Labrador to be both a friendly companion and a useful working dog breed is the highlight of this breed.

harshita anand
5 years ago
Go for golden retriever as they're loving, obedient and they're rlly good looking too.

navneet yadav
5 years ago

prince dawar
5 years ago
Maltese or shis zu or toy pom
Mini dog.
Very less expensive to handle

Ali Husaini
5 years ago
If you want an extremely playful (and sometimes overactive) dog, then go for a golden retriever otherwise labradors are the best!

Neomika Ganguly
5 years ago
I would suggest you to go for Labrador. They are friendly dogs. Maintenance isn’t that expensive.

Arti Rajore
5 years ago
Pug, such a cute dog.

Jaskirat Singh
5 years ago
See it’s totally your choice which breed t9 choose but keep points like space and how much time he will be left alone in the house and apart from that it will be good idea ro get dog dur8ng this time as you can spend more time with him

Tanzeem Alam
5 years ago
I would suggest labrador because they are super cute and friendly