Student Life
Lajpat Nagar 4
Can you guys suggest some free online certificate courses, would be better if it's quite related to hotel management ?

Arushi Mehrotra Follow
5 years ago
Arushi Mehrotra 5 years ago
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10 Answers

Ayushi Ojashwi
5 years ago

If you wish you can try digital marketing course or some communication course.

Niharika Goyal
5 years ago
If you wanna pursue the chef line, then you might try taking some professional cooking classes otherwise it's all about your practical knowledge and skill set.

Mansi Tayal
5 years ago
Check out Coursera

navneet yadav
5 years ago
check coursera

Neomika Ganguly
5 years ago
You can checkout COURSERA,UDEMY AND SKILLSHARE. But it’s paid.

Priyangi Singh
5 years ago
For hotel management most of the courses will be paid or if you have to do any other course free cost you can try on Google they provide many free courses

Neelakshi Bhaskar
5 years ago
You can download swayam app. It's a MHRD initiative which provides free certificate courses in different fields

Ansh Goel
5 years ago
Certificates don't matter always if u acquire enough skills from those courses. U can audit courses on Coursera

Deepankshi Padhi
5 years ago
Certified courses usually require some kind of payment, so none of them eould be fully free. Try Udemy skill share. You could aslo try coursera and even Harvard has started a few courses,you could try these

Kunal Barua
5 years ago
Sorry arushi but there is nothing related hotel management online. Try something else.