Sagar Pur
Can someone tell the exact travel guidelines for Himanchal Pradesh and Uttrakhand in Unlock 4?

Drishti Kulshrestha Follow
4 years ago
Drishti Kulshrestha 4 years ago
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3 Answers

Himanshu Khodwal
4 years ago

For UTTARAKHAND please log into dsclservices.org.in .
All the information and new SOP's are updated in smart City website as well as registration for inbound travellers. Rest information you can get from the site.
Hope this helps.

Shreya Singh
4 years ago
Also, the minimum no. of days for stay has been reduced to 2. Earlier, tourists had to stay for a minimum period of 5 nights.

Shreya Singh
4 years ago
Travel guidelines have been changed and have been relaxed slightly in order to uplift the tourism industry.. Issuance of e-pass has been made easy. Tourists will get it without much hassle and wait now. Your Negative covid report will be valid till 96 hrs now instead of 72 hrs. As far as my knowledge goes, you will have to cross 3 checkposts in order to cross the himachal border.