Food & Nightlife
Noida City Center
Any recommendations for safe and hygiene eatery restaurants in noida RN?

Paul Follow
5 years ago
Paul 5 years ago
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3 Answers

Local Adventurer
5 years ago

A lot of the restaurants and popular eateries like Theos, The Big Chill, Bikkgane Biryani etc. have tied up with delivery partners so the best bet would be to do a takeaway seeing the current scenario in Delhi right now.

Rajat Khanna
5 years ago
Currently as per government rule you cannot dine in, but take away are allowed and try and avoid outside food till situation is not normal as due to Covid 19. it’s better to avoid the taste bud (just a suggestion for your safety) rest you can order food from Zomato or swiggy as per your requirements.

navneet yadav
4 years ago
no idea