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Try This Humongous Parantha Halwa For Rs 30 We Chanced Upon In The Lanes Of Nizamuddin!


Nizamuddin is famous not only for its Holy Dargah, but also for its authentic street food. Tiny stalls, situated in the congested lanes here, serve various street food items - from kebabs to biryani and firni - but we were able to dig out something quirky for y’all, a small eatery which was serving parantha halwa, sounds interesting, right?

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The Bigger, The Better | Right in front of the stall sat two huge silver plates, one that had the suji halwa, with bright sugary cherries of all colours adorning it, and the other which stocked steaming hot paranthas. Now, don’t be fooled, these aren’t your regular paranthas. The sheer size of these beautifully crunchy, round discs will astonish you! Having been made out of maida and suji and fried to golden perfection, their preparation is similar to that of a puri. 

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Sugar Coma Alert! | Those monster paranthas were then sliced like a pizza and served on a piece of paper, alongside the sugary halwa, topped with some more vibrant candied cherries, after being weighed. The delish delicacy was a visual extravaganza and we were absolutely smitten, even before we had the chance to dive into it. Upon the first bite, we realized just how crunchy the parantha was from the outside, but still managed to maintain its softness and elasticity on the inside. And now, jumping on to real winner - the halwa. Oozing with butter and loaded with heaps of sugar, it was exactly what sugar comas are made of! This sinful dish perfectly reflected everything that Indian street food represents - tasty, heavy and indulgent.

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So, all you calorie conscious folks, throw your diets out of the window and hop over to Nizamuddin basti, for a true, unapologetic binge sesh. Take our word for it, you won’t regret it! 

Where | Nizamuddin Basti, Nizamuddin Dargah
Price | Rs 30

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