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This Pretty Cafe In Satya Has Cycle Art, Board Games & Books For That Perf Date With Bestie

Dilli Glutton 21 July 2018


Dilli wallahs, if food plus the company of your gang of buddies is synonymous to good times for you, then lend us your ears, as we’ve found a cool place to chill in Satya Niketan. So student janta, chuck your canteen for once and head over to this really pretty place called Cafe Diaries!

Food + Pals = Good Times Rollin’ | This pretty little cafe in Satya Niketan is just where all you bhukkad students of South Campus need to saunter over for that much-needed date with your BFFs! Once here, you’ll find yourself going wonderstruck looking at the pretty ambience of the place!

With cycle art adorning the walls and an umpteen number of board games and novels at your disposal, these guys work on a simple mantra - ‘Eat. Read. Play. Repeat’. And after you’ve satisfactorily beaten your pals at Ludo, or have reached the heart-breaking climax of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince (sad sighs), it’s time to attack the food, isn’t it?! 

So these guys specialise in cheese-dripping grub like this quirky Star Pizza, Cheesy Fries and a hell lotta more dishes. So pick a date, ask your bestie out and head over for some much-needed quality time! 

Where | Cafe Diaries - 10, Satya Niketan
Timings | 11 AM - 11 PM
Call Them | +91 7838 541 484
Check Out Their FB Page |

Scroll Through Some More Pretty Pictures Of This Cafe! 

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