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Soon A New Museum Devouted To Anangpal II Of Tomar Dynasty Will Come Up In Delhi!



In a recent seminar conducted in Delhi, the long-forgotten legacy of the Tomar king - Anangpal II was highlighted. During one of the field visits conducted in 2020, it was discovered that he was the founder of Dhillikapuri which later became Delhi. And here’s how there’s a plan to bring his legacy to the light of the day. 

Exploring History | It has been decided to form a committee and proposals for building a statue of Anangpal II at the Delhi Airport and building a museum dedicated to his legacy in Delhi. Moreover, ASI has asked its officials to submit proposals of estimated expenditure required to excavate and restore the protected sites.

They’re also planning to begin excavation along the fortification of Lal Kot (or Qila Rai Pithora), with the aim of making it an ASI-protected monument. The proposal is to make it an ASI-protected monument so that vertical excavation can be carried out to establish more links between Tomar and Delhi. A site museum could be created later at the place.

In case you didn’t know, Anangpal II was from the Tomar Dynasty that ruled parts of Delhi and Haryana during the time period of the 8th - 12th Centuries, and this can be found in several inscriptions and coins from the period. Did you know he was succeeded by his grandson, Prithvi Raj Chauhan? 

Delhi really does boast of rich heritage, doesn’t it?!

Sourced Via IndianExpress
