Meet The Swiss Watch Repairman Of Old Delhi Who's Been Giving Life To Vintage Watches For 50 Yrs
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In the age of smartwatches, here’s a gentleman we encountered, who’s been busy working his magic wand and giving new life to vintage Swiss watches since the last 50 years. Wow!
Swiss Watch Repairer Of Old Delhi | 62-year-old Javed Hussain Khan is this hidden magician, whom, on a regular day, you’ll find behind his work desk, examining a watch through his eye piece. A total pro at his job, his fingers work with the precision of a surgeon’s and it’s next to impossible to miss out the touch of perfection in his work.
In a world where digital watches are quickly taking over traditional ones, it’s a real delight to see someone so focussed on lovingly repairing these vintage beauties. Khan might not have heard about the international fairs where these Swiss watches are the hero, but he sure does possess a mind-boggling collection of watches including Omegas, Rolexes, Exodus’ and more, which he sells for a couple of thousand bucks only!
He mostly sells his vintage watches to tourists and that’s probably how he managed to gather fame - via word of mouth. But he has one principle in life: he doesn’t repair Chinese watches. Why? Because according to him, they dont last for long, unlike their Swiss counterparts.
Where can we find him? In the hustle-bustle of Markazi Market, you’ll find a board saying ‘OLD SWISS WATCH SALE & SERVICE’ and that’s where you need to go. Khan opens his shop by noon and closes on midnight and he works even on Eid.
Yes, the magician had his share of hard times too, when he thought of quitting as he wasn’t sure if his watches could survive the competition against mobile phones. But then, he diversified into repairing and reselling antique watches and now everything’s working out fine for him!
Now here’s a man who did not give up on his loyalty to watches even in the hardest of times and is today the timeless time-keeper for us Dilliwallas. Now that’s some inspiration, isn’t it?
Where | Old Swiss Watch Sale & Service, Markazi Market
Sourced Via Livemint