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It’s Time To Live Your YJHD Moment With Your Gang At This Luxury Wildlife Camp In Udaipur!



If your fave comfort movie is ‘YJHD’ and just like Bunny, all you wanna do is to have a  memorable time with your own Avi, Aditi and Naina, then we’ve got just the plan for y’all. So, get your Batmeez DiI ready, and keep reading to know what we are talking about! 

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Kick In That Adrenaline Rush!  | Tucked deep in the forest of Bagdarah Nature Park, just 20 km from Udaipur, Dera Baghdarrah is a luxury camping resort that offers an unparalleled staycation experience in the woods. For those of y’all who don’t know much about Bagdarah Nature Park, it is known for its wide flora and fauna especially crocodiles, and birds. Here you can have an ultimate experience while sleeping to the sights of fireflies and the sound of crickets, and waking up to the call of the 125+ species of birds like painted francolins, peacocks, cuckoos and more. Sounds every bit tranquil, right? 

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So, fellas, if all you wanna do is lose yourself in the serenity of nature with your squad, then this one is your best bet. Also, along with immersing yourself in the beauty of nature, you can also participate in fun adventure activities like zip line crossing, bicycling, and more. Not to mention the luxury amenities that the tents come with that make the experience super exciting! 

Go, call your gang, make a plan and drop by ASAP!

Where | Dera Baghdarrah -  Dera Baghdarrah, Baghdarrah Nature Park, Main Jhamarkotra Road, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Call Them | +91 8657 244 102
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