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HYD Has A Wall Of Kindness Where People Donate Clothes & Delhi Should Follow Suit!

So Delhi 22 June 2017


There’s a Wall Of Kindness in Hyderabad that all other cities definitely need right now! 

Want to help others but don’t know how? Here’s how! 

The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has built a ‘Wall Of Kindness’ which allows people to leave clothing, footwear, books or just about any household article so that those who need these can come there and pick them up.

Found in two spots in Rajendranagar, this Wall Of Happiness saw a whole bunch of people come and leave things for others to pick up and utilise. The initiative is part of the `Swachh Rajendranagar' campaign which comes under the `Swachh Hyderabad' movement.

GHMC Commissioner B. Janardhan Reddy was inspired to implement the concept in the city after seeing it abroad. These two spots were selected because they’re the most passed-by ones. Since it’s raining right now, people are looking to putting up sheds so that people’s offerings don’t get spoilt. 

Delhi also needs something like this soon! More, every city does! Good going Hyderabad, kudos! 

Sourced Via India Times
