Enrol For 60+ Free Online Classes @ Harvard University While You Observe Social Distancing
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Hello, fellow Delhizens! Are you sorta bored at home and can’t think of a productive way to spend the lockdown period? Well, then we’re here with an awesome piece of news about Harvard University offering FREE online courses - *say whaaa*!
64 FREE Courses @ Harvard | Harvard University is one of the most sought after universities in the world. And well, we just found out that this prestigious university is offering a few online courses for FREE. Yep, they’re not charging any fee and there are 64 such courses that you can choose. The courses include CS50 - Introduction To Computer Science, Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology, Data Science: Inference and Modeling, Japanese Books: From Manuscript to Print and many more such interesting courses.
But hey! You might wanna hurry up as a lot of these courses start from Friday, the 17th of April. So, we’d suggest that you check out their website and get enrolled ASAP, after all, it’s not every day that you get to study at Harvard by sitting at home!
Did you decide on which course to study?!
Enrol For Online Classes Here | https://online-learning.harvard.edu/catalog
Here’s Their Website | https://www.harvard.edu/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/Harvard