Dreamy Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Is Headed To Delhi & We're Already Starry Eyed RN
Ladies, can we have your attention?! Who’s the one international politician that has been a sight to our sore feminist eyes ever since he took office? The dreamy and charming Prime Minister of Canada - Mr Justin Trudeau *heart eyes*, and we have some good news for y’all!
Let’s Talk Trade | The Canadian PM will be in India from the 17th to the 23rd of February and suddenly life seems so much better! He’ll be visiting Agra, Amritsar, Mumbai and finally New Delhi on his first official trip as the Prime Minister of Canada. The main agenda of the visit will be to encourage and motivate trade between the two countries and deepen our economic ties.
We just hope the two countries continue to work together and such visits keep happening *wide grins*!
Sourced Via The Star