The Cost Of The COVID-19 Test Has Now Been Slashed & Capped At Rs 2,400 In Delhi
In a meeting between the Home Minister and the Delhi Government on Sunday, the 14th of June, some important decisions were taken regarding the current situation in the city. Here’s what you need to know about this.
Making Important Decisions | It was decided in a high-level meeting that COVID-19 testing will be doubled in the city. And to provide relief to the common man, authorities have now fixed testing rates at Rs 2,400 per test. For this purpose, tests will be conducted via Rapid Antigen Methodology approved by ICMR. Plus, Delhi will be given priority slots and 169 centres have already been set up for this.
It was also decided that 60% of beds in private hospitals will be reserved for COVID patients at affordable prices.
We can only hope that these decisions reap some good results for the city and those infected get proper care!
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