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Did You Hear That Netflix Is Going To Be FREE For 2 Days?!*Woah*



Are you someone who’s heard a lot about Netflix from their friends, but you’re still not convinced about buying its subscription? Well, then here’s your chance to access some of the coolest shows/movies on the platform for FREE and we’re here to tell you how!

Netflix For Free? | So, the buzz is that Netflix is supposed to be planning a 2-day event called ‘StreamFest’ during which it will be accessible to EVERYBODY for 48 hours. Yep, you will be able to stream all the popular shows you’ve heard of - for absolutely FREE. The trials may begin on the 4th of December and we’re totally excited about it. So, from what we heard, the StreamFest will require no payment information and the viewers will only have to sign up to access the shows and movies available on the streaming platform. Sounds completely awesome, doesn’t it? 

So, let your non-subscriber buddies know about this and binge on! *You’re welcome*

Sourced Via Moneycontrol
