Delhi’s 1st Tower Parking Might Open Very Soon HERE To Take Care Of Your Parking Woes
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Do your worst nightmares include running late for work and then not finding a parking spot? Yep, it’s definitely a hammer on a potentially good day. But by the looks of it, this new development that’s in the works promises to take care of that issue!
A Balm On Your Parking Woes | Well, here we have some good news for you! The city’s first tower parking in Green Park is expected to be up and running in October. The best part is that the cars will be parked using a lift so you don’t have to worry about rushing down the ramps or waiting for the elevators. Being constructed on a humble area of just 878 square meters, it’ll comprise 2 towers with 16 levels each that will have the capacity to hold 68 cars per tower. Looks like we are gonna save a lot of space and trouble - nice.
The scoop is that the SDMC is also designing a vertical parking lot in Lajpat Nagar which works best in such snarled up places. Puzzle parking takes up a lot less space than the regular parking lots and will be able to accommodate more than 250 cars. According to the officials, it will take an individual close to three minutes to park their vehicle, now isn’t that some real heart balm?
We can’t wait for these parking lots to open up so that we can drive over in our cars to shop to our heart’s content without thinking twice about those regular parking issues!
Sourced Via The Times Of India