Delhi Government To Light Up The City With 2 Lakh Street Lights Under A New Scheme
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There are numerous dark spots in the city, right? Well, that might soon become a thing of past if this scheme proposed by the Delhi Government is implemented. We’re talking about more streetlights to light up the city!
A Brighter Future Ahead | The Delhi Government recently announced that they will implement the ‘Mukhyamantri Street Light Yojna’ which will include installation of about 2.1 lakh street lights across the city. This is will lighten up the city and will strengthen women safety. So, 3 discoms will have the responsibility of installing 70,000 street lights each and they will also be responsible for its maintenance.
Did you know these street lights will feature sensors and will be automatic? Yep, and they will be established along the same lines as those of the CCTV cameras and will also be put outside people’s houses. They will have 20-40 watts LED lights and you can submit requests for street lights to the local MLAs, after which the permission of the owner will be taken and a local survey will be done. And once it’s approved by the electricity company, the street lights will be installed.
Presently, Delhi has 7 lakh street lights and the new scheme will add 2 lakh more street lights. Sounds like a much-needed step to us!
Sourced Via Moneycontrol.com