Delhi, Get Ready For Some Real Entertaining Cab Rides Around Town!
Delhi has no dearth of cabs but sadly, there’s a dearth of driving space on roads which means a snail’s pace on major routes and longer on-road time! Streaming through busy routes as you sit and wait for the cars to give way can be termed as a universal nuisance, right? We get bored to death and even our smartphone ceases to add much sparkle to the withering heart in the backseat.
But, all this you know already. Why you’re really reading through this rant is because you want the deets that goes with the title, eh? Caught you! So, here goes.
Read This ASAP | Soon, cabs shall come equipped with a real deal entertainment packed gizmo called CAB TV! It’s an interactive tablet that features various convenience applications like Travel, Blogs, News, Entertainment Channel and Lucrative deals around the corner, making your ride easier, fun and entertaining!
Features | CAB TV features an array of applications that makes sure fun is never amiss during your journey. From news, videos, music to weather updates, you can find it all in this interactive in-cab entertainment media. They have the So Delhi app pre-installed for you to browse through what's hot & happening in town, WittyFeed for you to read those interesting blogs and stories and EaseMyTrip.com for your travel and hotel bookings on the go.
Cool, right? But the BEST part is, CAB TV also serves as a security feature in the form of a SOS button which shall help anyone in distress which is amazing!
We cannot wait to hop onto these CAB TV studded cabs and bid goodbye to the boring ol' rides.
Here’s Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/CabTVbyINNOBIZ/
Ring Ring | +91 9873 975 201