5 Online Comic Book Stores That'll Help You Unleash Your Unapologetic & Geeky Love For Comics!
Every child dreams of having an amazing life where at night he elopes into the world fighting crimes and making life something more than the ordinary. Comics had sown those seeds into our brains and some of them still remain alive. Reminiscing about those wonderful childhood years, we remember spending nights tucked under a blanket with a torch just to get another go at our outlets into the mystical world!
Every bibliophile who loves Tintin or Archies still catches all the feels when they touch and smell those old, musty pages. Truly, comics are our never-ending love and we're here to help you embrace that with a list of websites that will rekindle your age old-romance. Scroll away!
1. Planet Superheroes

This is India’s first store for superheroes & comic character merchandise. This e-commerce platform doubles up as a community for the people with the comic streak alive and well in them. They work on eclectic prints, hip designs and famous characters on things of everyday lives. You can buy a nice hoodie or a phone cover as a reminder of the happiness these characters have brought you!
Shop Online Here | https://www.planetsuperheroes.com
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/planetsuperheroes/
2. Comicbazar.com

One of the most loved Indian online comic book stores, this one has everything from DC, Marvel, manga and other Indian and western comics that we totes love. Their collection is HUGE and keeps on changing to give y’all a fresh feel every time you browse through the website. So, get your hands on your fave comics before someone else adds them to their cart!
Shop Online Here | https://www.comicbazar.com/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/comicbazarindia/
3. ComicKart

Relive your childhood with ComicKart as these people have everything from Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Archies, DC Millennium to Captain America, Ghost Rider and loadsa more, all at affordable prices. So, whenever you have a comic craving, simply log onto their website and get set reading!
Shop Online Here | https://www.comickart.com/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/ComicKart/
4. Amazon

This e-commerce giant’s huge collection and captivating reading platform Kindle make it the most eminent option in this list. The ease of access and brand name play much to their advantage. They even have a deal with DC Comics for an exclusive showcase of graphic novels like Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, the Sandman and Watchmen. Cool, eh? Go check out their offerings today!
Shop Online Here | https://goo.gl/9sEzaS
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/AmazonIN/
Fun fact: Amazon even has its own comic book and it's free on Kindle. Go check out the Blackburn Burrow!
5. AbeRuk

With a super cool name, this one’s getting some attention these days. They have a range of classic comics including Avengers, X Men, Spiderman among others. And if you’re an ardent reader, then you can also check out their fiction and literature section. Their collection is fun and really exciting!
Shop Online Here | https://www.aberuk.com/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/aberukdotcom
We know, growing up is hard and you might’ve neglected those hankerings to go in for another reading marathon, but you're never too old to do the things you love. So, don’t wait and hop over to these websites and have an exciting night-in!