Creative To The Core, Go Discover The Trippy Community Called Trippy Tales!
Trippy Tales is a community of people who’ve come together from various walks of life to fill in the crevices of the world on the outside as well as inside us via art. They’re a tribe of able musicians, filmmakers, writers, poets, dancers, graphic designers and visual artists who are all game to fight every problem via creativity!
Their 3 main aims are, co-work, co-habit and co-travel! Co-Work is wherein individuals work together in a harmonious environment to create art, Co-Habit, is all about exploring the idea of community living as a way of life and Co-Travel is all about travelling because hey, there ain’t any better way to explore things around other than travel!
Join this community as a participant or just enjoy the work from the audience’s eye, but do support these guys in their aim in making things better around us via the power of self-created art!
Check Out Their Fb Page | https://www.facebook.com/trippytalesindia/
Check Out Their Work on YouTube | http://bit.ly/2gwKdFf