#ComeGetLawyered @ Called To The Bar, a Meet Exclusively For Lawyers at Tabula Beach
A gathering for lawyers, Called To The Bar is an event taking place at Tabula Beach which is basically a meet up for everybody from the legal community.
It would be a great networking opportunity for lawyers where they'll get to catch up with alumni sans the boring speeches, meet long lost internship buddies and get an opportunity to pick the brains of partners without worrying about their ever-increasing hourly bills.
Adding to all the fun would be DJ RedShift, exclusively priced alcohol and menu along with quirky, themed decor. So whether you've passed the bar or not, be there!
Where | Tabula Beach Cafe, Asiad Village
When | Saturday, 6th August
Timings | 8 PM
Call For Reservations | +91 9650 250 099