Come, Enter Maalgadi's World of Enchanting Beer Mugs, Shot Glasses & Lots More Knick-Knacks!
If mainstream's not your mantra and you've got an obsessive fascination with quirky products, specially those with a desi twist, Maalgadi is going to make an impression on you like none other.
Lifestyle products with a splash of local flavour | Enter Maalgadi's enchanting world of beer mugs, shot glasses, dresses, boxers, fridge magnets, coasters, bags, keychains and basically, all manner of funky knick knacks!
Building a platform for Indian artisans and craftsmen to showcase their talent, Maalgadi's got a collection of offbeat baubles that are ideal for gifting and sprucing up your space.
Here's Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/maalgadi/