Chug Down A Beer Mug In Under 20 Seconds & Win A FREE Beer Pitcher @ Bronx Brewery, Gurgaon
Hola beerheads, International Beer Day may have been over, but the celebrations are still ongoing. And if you haven’t got the chance to participate in the fun, then fret not, Bronx Brewery & Bar Exchange has got you covered. Here’s how!
Chug It To Win It | The happening brewery, Bronx, in Sector 29 Market, Gurgaon is loved by one and all specially because it’s a bar exchange too. Plus, the chiller ambience and their amazing Non-veg Platter makes it a must visit for legendary nights out with your gang.
And, now that it’s the International Beer Week, these peeps have come up with a RAD challenge and it’s called the Bronx Chugging Championship. All you gotta do is gulp a beer mug (500 ml) down in under 20 seconds to win yourself a FREE beer pitcher (you can choose what kinda beer you want), yay!
So, call your drinking buddies and drink away to glory!
Where | Bronx Brewery & Bar Exchange - SCO 38, Leisure Valley, Sector 29, Gurgaon
On Till | Friday, 10th August
RSVP On FB Here | https://www.facebook.com/events/851653191671525/
Here’s Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/bronxbarexchange/
Check Out This Link For More Deets | https://goo.gl/jd1Tgc