Cheers To The Dates Being Out! Great India Beer Festival Is All Set For The Last Weekend Of May
The month of May with its sultry heat is upon us and while the sun is sucking our energy away, there's nothing quite like a chilled beer that can't fix things right? RIGHT!
Beer festivals have become a bit of a thing in Delhi and we're really hoping this one is a success *fingers crossed* offering varieties of beer that is usually not found anywhere else along with delish munchies (that's not asking for much!)
Frankly speaking anything related to beer sounds just about awesome to us! *hehe*
So mark you calendars and stay tuned for this event that you really wouldn’t want to miss out on *here's hoping*!
When | 27th & 28th May, 2 PM - 10 PM
Where | JLN Stadium
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/events/390324954684485