Check Out Framing Rainbow For All Your Snazzy & Pretty Designer Invitation Needs & More
Framing Rainbow is a paper art and design doorway that gives you awesome bespoke invitations, design services and other paper products. They have a team of creative craftswomen that take ethnic designs and merge them in with quirky modern ideas.
What’s New | Their product line is divided into 4 categories: Wedding and Event Stationery, Modern Stationery, Office Stationery and Design Services. Their Wedding and Event Stationery line includes everything from logo designing to 'Save The Date' cards, invites with or without boxes, cash envelopes and guest luggage tags.
If you’re a workaholic, you should totally get some custom day planners, organisers and letterheads from them!
Their personalised sagan envelopes start at about Rs 25 per envelope.
Go fawn over their collection now!
For Orders Call | +91 9599 996 664
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/framingrainbows/