Celebrate The End Of #NoShaveNovember By Taking The Spruce Shave Club For A Spin!
#NoShaveNovember has come to an end and it’s time you groom yourselves up in this #DapperDecember!
To save you the trouble and the extra bucks you usually spend, we’d like to introduce you to the Spruce Shave Club, an online membership club that allows members to receive men’s shaving kits regularly - in style! With a range of value for money products, they’re an instant go-to option which will take care of both your wallet and your beard.
What’s What!? | Spruce Shave Club aims to usher in a #SmarterWayToShave and the highest quality shaving razors and blades from the US to India (yes, they’ve partnered with one of the largest manufacturers of shaving razors to deliver them at your doorstep at an unbelievable price!). Their customer-friendly subscription plans make sure you never run out of fresh blades again!

Guarantee! | Like a lot of you, the Spruce Shave Club also got extremely tired of overpaying for something as simple as shaving. So they created a solution to help India go back to the basics. A great shaving experience is guaranteed at a seriously great price!
This Is Exciting | They’re also ready to keep your friend’s/partner’s shaving schedule going without bothering anyone. All you have to do is let them know how frequently you shave and they’ll deliver the products accordingly all through the year. There will now never be an excuse for being shabby!
Pro Tips:
Shave | If you shave, any dust that gets caught up in the miserable excuse of that beard you’ve grown leaves with it! Also, it’s pretty important to use the right shaving gel and post shave balm you guys.
Wash Up | Wash your hands squeaky clean. Both sides. With soap. Multiple times a day! It doesn’t matter how clean a person you think you are, your hands are still going to get dirty!
Watch What You Eat | Depending on what you eat, your skin looks and feels a certain way. So it’s high time you improve your diet. Start by keeping your blood sugar levels steady. That means if you eat a cookie today, make sure you don’t complement it with a soda. And no, even a diet soda won’t work!

So here are 3 pretty neat tips to start you off on your path to looking like a Greek God. Stay tuned for more. Get the face you always wanted (no, this doesn’t involve surgery!).
In the meantime, check out their products, won’t you?!
Along with providing Indian consumers with new and equally good options for shaving razors, you can save upto 50% on their razors compared to market prices, giving us a much more affordable product that’s more convenient than ever to purchase!
P.S. - Boys, Christmas and NYE celebrations are on the cards, it’s time you shave off that extra beard and look your best!
Have a beard-free #DapperDecember, cheers!
Order Online Here | http://spruceshaveclub.com/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/SpruceShaveClub/?fref=ts