Celebrate A Green Dussehra With This Ravan Made From Plastic Waste That Won't Be Burnt
The city’s pollution levels become worse during and after Dussehra & Diwali but perhaps, this time the city will experience less pollution with the efforts being made by the New Delhi Municipal Council zone!
Let’s Celebrate An E-Dussehra This Year | So, this NGO called Chintan in collaboration with Safai Sena began a plastic collection drive in NDMC area aiming to collect plastic waste from over 5,000 households. This waste will be used to make a Ravana which will eventually be recycled by waste pickers instead of being burnt, in order to create awareness around plastic and its elimination.
So, this Dussehra let’s bid goodbye to the actual monster of this day & age and make our city cleaner and greener!
Sourced Via The Times Of India