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Boost Your Immunity With Mother Dairy's Haldi Milk With A Butterscotch Twist

Editors 13 June 2020


Haldi Milk is one of the ancient remedies found in any Indian household that solves all problems from cold to body ache. But let’s get real, most of us can’t stomach this beverage and end up throwing millions of tantrums before attempting to finish it off. But what if we tell you that this grandma’s recipe for immunity now has a flavourful twist?

A Butterscotchy Twist! | Yep, Mother Dairy has rolled out Haldi Milk which is a great option for boosting immunity especially during this time when most health experts are vouching for this age-old drink. But the best part about this newly launched beverage is that it comes in the butterscotch flavour and is priced at a modest Rs 25 per bottle. You can find this at the nearest Mother Dairy Booth in your locality. 

Looks like we have our daily dose of immunity booster sorted!

Price | Rs 25
Where | Mother Dairy - Across Delhi NCR
Check Out Their FB Page |
