Look No Further! Here's An Area Wise Guide of Where You Can Glug Down Bira in Town
Our favourite beer BIRA recently made a huge announcement - that they’re now brewing as well bottling in India! Yes, you heard it right! They’ve set up an all-new factory in Madhya Pradesh and will soon be ready to flood the market. For now we’ve curated a list of all the places in Delhi where BIRA will be available for you to drown in!
Central Delhi
Beer Cafe, House of Commons, Pebble Street, Smoke On Water, Banana Leaf, Hotmess, Bunta Bar, Open House, White Waters, Kinbuck2, Unplugged Courtyard, United Coffee House, Fresc Co and Cross Roads.
South Delhi
The Beer Cafe, Chungwa, The Colony Bistro, Mocha, Adda by Striker, Peninsular, Depot 29, Tashan, Golden Dragon, Hungry Monkey, TGIF, The Chatter House, Jugaad Bar & Bistro, Harry's, Mahabelly, Colours N Spice, Nagaland's Kitchen and Masala Junction Restaurant.
West Delhi
Hinglish The Colonial Cafe, The Villain Cafe, Drool Kitchen, Wildresa & The Sub-Marine, Cocoa, AMPM Cafe & Bar, The Beer Cafe, IKKA - The Ace Bar and Hi Mirchee.
North Delhi
1Up, Bellagio Restaurant, The Food and Booze Exchange, Boa Village and Jail Behind The Bar.
East Delhi -
Chutneez Restaurant, Golden Dragon, Platinum Lounge and Holiday Inn.
So there you go, South or North, East or West - let’s get BIRA-ing!