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Beer Lovers, Chug All The Beer You Want This Sunday Here In CP For ONLY Rs 21! *Say Whaaa?!*


Its beer-o'clock people and so we’ve got you this RAD offer on beer which you couldn’t have dreamt of even in your dizziest daydreams! So scroll away and get ready to SCRAM.

Beer at 21 Bucks? *Whaa!* | These awesomesauce people at Bunta Bar Live have managed to surprise us yet again! Celebrating the end of the month, these guys are giving you beer at Rs. 21 ONLY! 

The offer’s valid on Kingfisher pints and glasses only, between 12 noon to 1 PM on the last Sunday of this month, that is, 29th April. 

So gather up all your beer-o-holic friends and go chug as much beer as you possibly can! 

Beer Deal Price | Rs. 21
When | Sunday, 29th April 
Where | Bunta Bar Live -  ​76, Janpath Road, Janpath, CP
Offer Timings | 12 Noon - 1 PM
Call Them For Reservations | +91 9899 166 008
Here’s Their FB Page |
