Battling Against The Menace of Dengue & Chikungunya, Stay Safe Dilli Wallahs!
The mosquitoes are back, carrying with them fast-spreading Dengue and Chikungunya, and it's deadlier than ever! These virus come to visit Delhi every monsoon, and wreak a whole lot of havoc.
Dengue virus has been in delhi for a while now, and the number of cases has increased exponentially from last year’s mere 11 to 778 this year, and these numbers are just for the month of August! The symptoms are mild fever, severe body ache, nausea and rashes.
Chikungunya is another disease caused by mosquitoes, and it’s been spreading like wildfire this year. The symptoms are similar to those of dengue, high grade fever, rashes, severe joint pain, headaches and fatigue.
Both of these viruses are deadly and here are some tips to stay away from them, because prevention is better than cure. These mosquitoes breed in indoor sites like flower vases, so keep these clean. Always use mosquito nets for babies, make thorough use of mosquito repellents, stay in clean and dry places and wear full and protective clothing.
Please take care of yourself, and do not let these blood sucking mosquitoes anywhere near you!
Sourced Via Hindustan Times