All The Parents-To-Be, Get Your Pre-Baby Shoot Done By These Amazing Peeps!
If you’ve recently been to a wedding or have even scrolled through your FB feed, then we’re sure you must’ve come across many pre-wedding shoot pictures in some of the most exotic locations! But have you ever thought about a maternity shoot? Nope? Well read up to know more.
How ‘Bout A Pre-Baby Shoot? | Photo Paradise is known throughout the town for clicking breathtaking and lovely pictures for pre-wedding and even wedding photo shoots BUT did you know that these guys also do maternity photo shoots? Well, all the moms and dads-to-be, these amazing peeps actually shoot and help you document the most beautiful period of your life, i.e., parenthood!
These guys have everything, from a beautiful setup to amazing picture ideas, that’ll make these priceless moments even more memorable! You can get pictures with big helium ‘Mom To Be’ balloons or tag boards that read ‘Chachu To Be’ or ‘Bua To Be’, all of which are pretty cool.
So, make it a pregnancy to remember and document all the fun times with these guys!
Where | Photo Paradise - New Delhi
Call Them | +91 9899 200 017
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/Photoparadise/
Follow Them On Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/photoparadise2016
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