Ages-Old, Legendary Coffee Haven Devan's Has Launched A Precious Cafe In Lodhi Colony
Picture Credits: Brian Robinson
Devan’s, the age old brand for all things coffee, has finally opened their first ever cafe and we’re pretty excited to have our morning coffee brewed by the legends themselves! Devan’s used to be pretty much every coffee lovers go-to for specialised, rich coffee, and they decided to make it a happy new year by popping open a cafe!
Freshly Brewed Coffee For The Taking | Walking into their Lodhi Colony outlet, you’ll notice a slight change, this change is the one thing that’ll make your Monday morning coffee run awesome. A big sign hangs over the shop that’s now expanded, bearing the legend ‘Devan's at Lodhi’. Nice!
Founded in 1962, long before the newer brands in the market started roasting and grinding their beans, Devan’s was THE place to score rich, authentic coffee, and now, this little cafe can seat about 9-10 people at a time houses lots of books and magazines.
So take a detour from your usual Starbucks jaunt, and head on over to Lodhi for a blissful cuppa!
Where | Devan’s At Lodhi - 131 New Khanna Market, Lodhi Colony
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/Devans1962/