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A Heart to Heart With Pratishtha Khattar, The Force Behind The Popular Blog Paradox & Metaphors

So Delhi 6 Apr 2018


A lover of the written word and a constant observer, Pratishtha Khattar is a crazy-head with a tinge of genius. The amazing writer, thinker and dreamer behind the thought-provoking and invigorating blog, Paradox & Metaphors unearths her inspiration and undying love for the written word with us. Read on to know what goes behind writeups that are basically hugs in disguise!

What about the written word attracts you?

It has the power to move people and reach greater depths of emotions that sometimes the reader himself does not understand or expect! Also, the written word is open to interpretation and it always makes me curious to watch the same word/phrase come alive with different perspectives by different readers.

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Paradox & Metaphors is quite an invigorating name. How did you come up with it?

Every situation can have multiple and opposing points of view. This contrast extends to life in general and hence, ‘Paradox’ fits the explanation. And given my love for observation, I think everything around us is as alive as we want it to be, and is symbolic of different emotions, hence - ‘Metaphors’. Writing is all about playing with them both together!

All writers latch onto something or the other for inspiration. What is it that inspires you constantly?

People and their stories. I love talking to strangers all the more! Inspiration comes to me whenever I try to go beyond the surface and try to put myself in someone else’s shoes.

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We all know you explain feelings in the best possible way. How would describe your emotions about Delhi ?

Delhi is a like a kickass buffet party! You’ll like/love some things and maybe dislike a few others, but there’s always enough for everyone’s plate! 

Do you ever experience writer’s block? How do you deal with it?

I definitely do! I try to critique my previously written work. It usually gets me going by bringing back the rush of emotions and inspiring me to rethink.

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What advice would you like to impart to existing or budding writers out there?

Write what you believe in and connect with. If you keep modifying your style of writing according to the audience, you’ll never understand where your passion lies. Just write! That’s the only way to learn writing or get better at it. 

Imparting thoughts that nudge you to introspect with words that go down like fine scotch, Paradox & Metaphors is certainly a must-follow blog if you too are a hopeless lover of the written word.

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