8 Thoughts That Cross Every Girl's Mind When She Takes A Late Night Cab In Delhi
Cabs are the most convenient mode of travelling in this city! No hassles about parking, no stress of driving through traffic and they’re literally just a click away. But, all the ladies out there will understand us better, as the night comes to life, so do the weird thoughts about cabs and their sometimes-shady drivers! And if you girlies have EVER hailed a taxi in Delhi late at night, these thoughts must’ve popped up in your head, check them out!
1. Should’ve Kept That Pepper Spray!

Picture Credits: Glamrs
Even if the rating of the cab driver is 5, he speaks decently and hasn’t made any attempts to chit-chat, you still CANNOT help but think whether it would’ve been better if you’d kept a can of pepper spray in you handbag. And trust us, it may sound like the ladies are overreacting, but one’s safety is one’s own responsibility and as the proverbial saying goes - better safe than sorry!
2. Is He Really Weird Or Am I Over Thinking?

Call it over thinking or simply the fear of travelling past 12 AM but you can’t deny the fact that women tend to over-analyse. And chances of women being all too critical are quite high, especially when they’re travelling alone! So everytime the cab driver looks back through the rearview mirror or does anything remotely weird, our minds starts conjuring up the worst case scenarios. So yeah, it’s not just you girl, it happens to us all!
3. Should I Take A Screenshot & Share My Details?

This has gotta be one thing you all must’ve done or at least thought of doing. Taking a screenshot of all the details about your cab and sharing it with your parents or roommates seems like the most logical thing to do while travelling alone at witching hour. And, frankly, we don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, so let the screenshots flow.
4. Should I Keep The Door Unlocked, Just In Case…

No, we aren’t Tom Cruise and we definitely can’t jump off the car if we think there’s something wrong but if keeping the unlocked doors makes you feel any better, then why not? In fact, it’s actually a great practice to check if you can actually open your car doors from the inside and ensure if there aren’t any child-locks on them. So keep this in mind, ladies!
5. *Hears The Driver Talking On The Phone* Who Is He Talking To?

Raise your hand every time you feel antsy when your cab driver starts talking on his phone? (Raising our own). ‘Who is he talking to?’, ‘Is he going to do something to me?’, ‘Is he calling his partner in crime?’ - and the suspicious questions go on! So, just follow this simple step - keep your eyes and ears open and be aware about your surroundings, always!
6. Should Have Left A Little Early!

As the sunsaan, empty roads of Delhi pass by you, the only thought that pops up in your head is this - should’ve left earlier and caught a metro. Well, you didn’t leave early and the metro services close around 11, so next best option - cab! You can be frightened but that won’t change the situation. So, you can either hail the cab with a friend or keep your eyes peeled while you’re in it, the choices are all yours!
7. “Hello...Yeah I Just Crossed India Gate” - Giving Out Live Locations On Calls

This is one thing we’re all guilty of doing - fake calling! Pretending to be on call throughout the cab ride and practically yelling out the landmarks every few minutes just to show that someone knows our location. Funny but very effective, so if you travel often during the night girls, talk to your friends or pretend at least!
8. Should Have Asked Someone From Work To Drop Me!

‘Should’ve taken my own car’, ‘Should have asked someone to pick me up’, ‘Should’ve asked someone from office to drop me’...and the ‘should haves’ continue! These endless and constant ‘I should haves’ come to a stop only when your cab app shows ‘ride complete’! So don’t get all worked up, just be a little vigilant and it’s all fun!
So, here are just a few thoughts that every lady has when she’s taking a cab alone in this city. Which ones do you think we left out?