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Here Are Some Fun Activities You Can Do To Not Look Vella During Your Metro Yatra!

Kanika Saini 25 Sept 2024


Commuting in the metro with your squad can be fun and full of giggles and laughter, but commuting by yourself can be a bit boring. And instead of mindlessly scrolling through your Instagram or Facebook feed, why don't we tell you all the other awesome and productive things you can do instead? So keep reading to find a way out of this endless loop!

1. Read A Book Or Listen To An Audiobook

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Picture Credits: booksonthedelhimetro

The best way you can make time go faster is by delving into someone else's world (fictional or non-fictional). These books carry alluring tales and unbelievable facts that take our minds away from all trivialities and the urge to be on social media for no reason at all. So utilise time to explore these well-penned worlds to find exuberance, surprises, and heartbreaks in the pages of your fave book or audiobook while commuting. 

2. Get Lost In Your Fave Playlist

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Music has the power to transport us to a world where everything is good and melodious. Whether you like to imagine yourself being a part of the song or if you focus on a rhythmic instrumental piece, listening to your favourite playlist will always be better than that endless scrolling. So get those vibes and groove on while doing one of the most boring things ever. Trust us, it will be so much fun!

3. Check Out Some Awesome Podcasts On Audible & Spotify

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Audible and Spotify have come as a blessing in our lives with a plethora of podcasts that we can listen to any time and anywhere. From Inspirational, Educational, Comedy, Spiritual, News, Sports, Entertainment, and more, you can choose the ones that resonate with your personality or according to your preferences and listen through your long metro ride. Isn't that a great idea? So save your favourites right away!

4. Look Up Fun Facts Of The Day Or Read The Newspaper

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In a world where everything is changing so fast, it is hard to keep track of it in our busy schedule, which is why it is better to grab your dose of regular news and facts while you are sitting idle on your metro ride. Feed your brain with the knowledge of current events to stay updated with the world. Isn't that a great way to utilise your time? So do that the next time you take the metro to go from point A to point B!

5. Use Sherlock's Deduction Skills To Observe People For Fun

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After watching Sherlock, y'all must have tried his famous deducing skill to figure people out through their gestures and the way they appear. And although we had no way of knowing whether you’ll be right or wrong, we can say for certain that it will definitely be very entertaining. So, let's bring it back to add a bit of fun to your tedious rides. Put on your imaginative Sherlock hats and get to making random deductions around you and your people or just make a game out of it. It will be hilarious!

6. Use Your Time To Learn New Skills Online

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There are a great number of online platforms available today to learn a new skill, a language, or take up online courses. So what better way could there be to come out of that monotonous metro ride having learned a new skill? Just imagine the amount of time you will dedicate to a new course and the knowledge and understanding you will be blessed with afterwards. It's always a good thing to have new tricks up your sleeves. So start learning!

7. Strike Up A Conversation With A Person Who Seems Interested

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Everything that we have mentioned till now required just you for the task. But this one's special because it is for all those extroverts who love to interact with new people and get to know them better. And if you are one of those people then how about striking a conversation with a person next to you who would seem interested in the same? It will be like a human library where you can both learn a lot from each other's lives and experiences. We say that is something we all must try to do from time to time!

8. Reflect And Write In Your Journal

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With umpteen tasks on your hand throughout the day, it is hard to find time to breathe and reflect on how everything is going or how it is making us feel. So the best time can be this metro ride where you can stop and think about yourself and jot down your thoughts to get a better understanding. It's high time we start taking time out for ourselves as well and if we still can't, then we will make sure to get the best out of our current situation. So use up this time to tend to your thoughts and your ongoing life!

9. Use The Time To Crochet Or Knit! 

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Many of us commute for hours every day in the metro and there’s nothing better than having hours of free time on hand to crochet or knit your new creation! Just play some of your favourite music and let your crochet sticks do the magic! Not only can it be extremely therapeutic, but it’ll make your hectic day start and end on a good note! And, it can always be used as a conversation starter if you wanna socialise. 

So there you go, peeps. It's time to say goodbye to all those mindless scrollings and to say hello to these fun and productive ways to spend time on your metro rides!
