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7 Good Things That Have Happened So Far In 2020 We Should Be Thankful For


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2020 was supposed to usher in a new decade, and a lot of us had TONS of things planned to bring in the new year with a bang! Well, it did kinda start with a bang, just not the way any of us would have expected. But hey, despite all the melancholy around, it’s high time that we count our blessings. So, keeping this in mind, we have made a list of seven good things that made us thankful in the year of the pandemic! Give it a read!

1. Very Little Traffic 

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Picture Credits: iambeansingh

Delhi roads and traffic sorta go hand-in-hand. But when the lockdown was imposed a few months ago, the roads which were otherwise filled with vehicles and the blaring of horns every two mins, were left deserted. Yes, it became oddly peaceful and travelling from one place to another (even if it meant grocery-shopping) was accomplished within a matter of minutes! Even now, most of the roads within the city are not as crowded as they used to be and the overall traffic has decreased, which can only be a good thing as far as we are concerned!

2. Improvement In Air Quality 

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Picture Credits: capture_the_world__

As the lockdown put the entire country on pause, we were all in for a pleasant surprise - cleaner air and bluer skies. In fact, Delhi ended up recording the lowest AQI (Air Quality Index) at 48, which falls under the ‘Good’ category and we all collectively took a sigh of relief. Plus, have you guys been noticing the skies? For a while, it had been bluer than normal since all the pollution had receded and a lot of us ended up bringing out our cameras to capture this marvel! 

3. Spending Time With Family 

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If you’re a 90s kid, then you’ll understand the sentiment of not being able to spend enough time with your family in this fast-paced life. As we all ended up staying at home, a lot of us were self-quarantined with our families and it was a much-needed experience. Taking lunches and dinners together and sharing jokes or stories became the new normal, one that we will eternally be thankful for. After all, there’s nothing better than being surrounded by people you love during tough times and it defo made us count our blessings!

4. Dalgona Coffee

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Picture Credits: skippasockret

Okay, yes. This may be something small, but hey, the little things often end up giving us the biggest joys, don’t they? Frothy Dalgona Coffee took the internet by storm when it was first discovered on social media. And now this delicious and pretty Korean coffee variant has evolved into Dalgona Cake and even Dalgona Meringue Tart! Isn’t this something worth thanking the caffeine gods for?! 

5. Working From The Comfort Of Your Home

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A lot of offices previously did not believe in the policy of work from home. But COVID-19 has ushered in this new principle that has been beneficial for both companies and employees. Employees being extra productive while working from their homes has been a tremendous advantage for a majority of corporations. It has also saved a lot of people from spending a part of their income on travelling. We’d call it a win-win situation!

6. Eating Healthy Home-Cooked Food

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Ever since the virus broke out, a lot of us have been wary of ordering food from outside (with good reason). This, in turn, has led to us eating food mostly prepared at home. For months, even when the cravings hit us strong, we ended up looking for alternatives online and making ‘em at home. A lot of us have become master chefs at home as we have experimented with everything from making pizzas to noodles at home. And in the process, we’ve been eating way healthier than usual, which is awesome!

7. The Chirping Of Birds Echoing In The City

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This one is also kinda related to the time when the lockdown was put in place. When the shor of the city got silenced, it gave way to the soothing chirping of birds which otherwise usually went unheard amid the din of the city. Waking up to the gentle tweeting of the birds made us realise exactly what we’d all been missing out on in the city for ages!  

These were a few things that we couldn’t help but be thankful for in a year that’s been filled with chaos and uncertainty. What are you grateful for in 2020? Let us know in the comments section below! 
