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7 Enticing Starbucks Drinks You Can Recreate At Home & Satiate Your Coffee-Craving Soul!



Remember those good ol’ days when you used to head over to Starbucks to grab your favourite cup of coffee or frappe? Are you missing your everyday dose of Starbucks? Now that we are again stuck at our homes, and there is a restriction on going out, we’ve got you a list of awesome Starbucks recipes that you can recreate at your homes and astonish your friends and fam. So, folks, do try these out and of course, don’t forget to ‘gram it!

1. Java Chip Frappuccino

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This one is one of the most loved Starbucks drinks and there’s no denying that. If you like your coffee strong & delicious, you have to give Java Chip Frappuccino a chance. This recipe includes chocolate syrup, chilled coffee/espresso, milk, and chocolate chips and tastes heavenly.  So, folks, when are you trying this out?

Here’s The Recipe |

2. Classic Cafe Mocha

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This classic coffee from Starbucks has been popular with the crowd since the very beginning. And, how cool would it be to make this drink in your own kitchen without splurging a whole lot of money? Although it feels it’ll be difficult to make, it truly isn’t. So, try your hand at it and let us know how it goes?

Here’s The Recipe |

3. Caramel Macchiato

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This creamy nummy coffee offers just the kind of comfort you would want after you’ve had a tiring day. For Caramel Macchiato, you need espresso roast beans or coffee powder, vanilla syrup, whipped cream and caramel sauce. Whizz these ingredients with some milk, and once it forms into a paste, pour milk and garnish with some more caramel on top. Do try it and let us know what you think!

Here’s The Recipe |

4. Hazelnut Latte

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Hazelnut Latte is exactly what you need when you’re craving something delicious and flavoursome. Pour hot water in a mug, pop on some instant coffee/shot of espresso and sugar & stir it until the coffee is dissolved. Spoon a thin layer of foam and whipped cream, and serve hot. A perfect drink to sip on a freezing evening, right?

Here’s The Recipe |

5. Flat White

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Flat White is ideal for those chilled freezing evenings! And we’ve got you a super easy recipe - all you need is milk and espresso/instant coffee powder. This one has a strong coffee flavour with a creamy, velvety texture from the steamed and foamed milk. Slurp on it while you take in the peaceful views, sounds heavenly no?

Here’s The Recipe |

6. Pumpkin Spiced Latte

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Although this one is a seasonal drink, it tastes so heavenly that we can have it throughout the year. This fall drink is a perfect combination of the sweet taste of pumpkin syrup, the woody taste of cinnamon, and the freshly-brewed coffee. Pumpkin Spiced Latte is truly the best pick when you want to relish something yummy while you cosy up at your home on a cold winter evening.

Here’s The Recipe |

7. Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino  

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Although it’s not classic coffee, it’s still a great drink to enjoy with the fam while chilling at home. Strawberry Frappuccino is a refreshing, coffee-free, creme frappuccino made with strawberry puree, ice cream, and milk with whipped cream on top. Serve it in a cute tumbler and don’t forget to garnish it with strawberry slices.

Here’s The Recipe |

Folks, which recipe will you be trying out first?
