6 Part-Time Job Portals For Broke College-Goers Which Pay Upto Rs 10,000 PER DAY
'Kabhi kuch kar bhi liya karo!' - is the most common phrase in Indian households and something our moms throws out at us as soon as she sees us getting off the bed! Now don't give us excuses like ‘Holidays chal rahe hain’ because trust us, a lot can happen over the holidays! We mean, we understand that holidays are all about 'Netflix and Chill' but have you ever wondered what it would feel like to actually pay for the Netflix you guys spend your entire day on? Or how it would feel to get that dress that you've been eyeing but couldn't get 'cause hello, student life equals broke life!
So we found the perfect solution for you - part time jobs and internships! Yes lazy bums, don't look away because a few hours of work for a month or two could bag you a lot of extra pocket-money and since when has extra money been a problem? So here are 6 online portals you guys can apply at to utilise your holidays to the fullest!
1. Crew4Events

These guys are a personal favourite! They have been putting broke kids, like us, out of misery for the last 13 years. Giving out part time jobs with profiles like emcees, product models and such in big events like the Auto Expo, these guys can get you a whopping Rs 8,000 -10,000 PER DAY *WOAH*! They give you all the necessary training too, so don't be a lazy bum and register right away!
Apply Online Here | http://www.crew4events.com/registration.php
2. TimesJobs

Now these guys need no introduction! You can find everything from fresher jobs to part time gigs on here. You can find jobs from all profiles imaginable here - so sit back, put up the required filters and dive into the long list of jobs these guys curate for you. You can earn about Rs 5,000 - 8,000 per month here, so login right away!
Apply Online Here | http://www.timesjobs.com/jobs-in-delhi/part-time-students-jobs
3. Indeed

These guys are 'indeed' a life saviour! They have quite the reputation for finding the perfect job that suits your profile and the same goes for part time jobs on the portal - from content writing to technical training, these guys have something for everyone. You can earn upto Rs 8,000 per month, which ain’t too shabby AT ALL!
Apply Online Here | https://www.indeed.co.in/
4. Internshala

Now this one is a student haven! With big brands like Puma, Urbanclap and so many more giving out internships here, you cannot go wrong with this Internshala. They have internships for everyone, whatever your area of interest, they have a list of companies that you can pick and choose from! You can earn upto 15,000 bucks a month here, so what are you waiting for? Register already peeps!
Apply Online Here | https://internshala.com/
5. LetsIntern

These guys are angel in disguise! Just make an account on their website, put up your area of interests - the field you wanna work in and these guys will spit out a list of available jobs right away and that's not it - they create a list every week or so and email you all the internships that match your profile. Told ya, angels! You can earn up to Rs 10,000 per month here, so don't waste time and make a profile right away!
Apply Online Here | https://www.letsintern.com/
6. QuickrJobs

So just like their name, you can rest assured you'd be getting a part time job super quickly! Although famous among full-time job-seekers, these guys have a lot for the part-timers too. You guys can earn anything between Rs 5,000 to 10,000 per month here! Do we need to tell you again? Go make a profile!
Apply Online Here | https://goo.gl/jtyMKo
So these were some portals that you lazy bums can apply at and earn some extra pocket-money - which ones are you signing up for!