6 Oh-So-Relatable Thoughts Every Tipsy Person Has Had On The Delhi Metro
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We’re all guilty of travelling by metro, a *few* drinks down (shh, no one’s asking you how many). While that’s a completely subjective experience, we bet y’all have had these common yet terribly-relatable thoughts that have crossed your mind at least once. Brace yourselves coz these might trigger some faint memories *laughs* - scroll away!
1. Damn, Where Did I Keep My Metro Card?!

This tiny monster has the superpower of being invisible the moment you need it the most. And the tragedy worsens when you’re not in your senses, ain’t it? From frantically searching your pockets even though you’re wearing an outfit that doesn’t even have any pockets (all thanks to those vodka shots), to finally giving up & calling your friends to rant about it, we’ve all had this traumatic experience!
2. That Aunty’s Been Staring At Me For So Long, Can These Guys Sense That I’m Drunk?

There’s no possible chance of you dodging those judgemental aunties even when you’re sober, so this ought to happen when you’re so smashed! Fact check guys - it’s not *just* the smell. You’re prolly looking like a homeless-ragged person so those annoying stares are pretty much justified. Pro Tip: Keep looking eye-to-eye, you’ll defo win! *winks*
3. Main Thehra Raha, Zameen Chalne Lagi!

We’ve all felt like Drunk Rohit from Koi Mil Gaya when travelling tipsy by metro, cause genuinely, are you really standing? Or you’re really moving? No one can tell, defo not the drunk you! Also, slow claps for those abrupt metro breaks that’ll make you go “Aree Fissal Gaya, Ye Tune Kya Kiya?”.
4. No Way I’ll Get Out Of Rajiv Chowk Today Bro

Picture Credits: dipalay
You’ll prolly wind up at someone else’s house, taken away by the gigantic crowd at Rajiv Chowk City (yes, it’s not a station, it’s a city in itself). This crazy situation has befallen so many of us & we dread that thought every day y’all. A normal day at Rajiv Chowk metro station is so wild, imagine adding a touch of booze to it. Leave the rest to your destiny people, wherever it takes you!
5. All Stations Look The Same, Where Am I Supposed To Get Off?!

Picture Credits: mithunk05_pb11
A special mention for this ridiculously true thought that has ALWAYS crossed our minds. No matter how much of a ‘metro pro’ you are, once the alcohol kicks in, you’re as clueless as a fresher in college. The best of us cannot figure out where the hell we are when drunk, ‘cause seriously, no talli person can distinguish between two metro stations. And the announcements are just one of the many noises in the background, it doesn’t help at all. Good luck finding your home peeps!
6. Uggh, This Crowd! Why Don’t They Make A Special ‘Drunkards Coach’?!

Picture Credits: __i_am__21_12
Just admit it, we’ve had this repetitive thought ‘cause it’ll be like a blessing for y’all drunk travellers - a separate coach for the tanked ones! It is already a mammoth task to travel through the metro when you’re intoxicated, and the added tensions of crazy crowds & noisy kids do not make it any easier. We’ve all thought about a specially reserved coach while travelling home after a party, tailor-made just for us. If only folks, if only this were true!
Throwback to these tough times & drunken nights with our dearest Delhi Metro. Oh, how we’re all craving for these thoughts to come gushing back just once more.